Freedom of Choice
Are you one of the millions of Americans who does not enjoy employer-paid, tax-free health insurance benefits? Are you one of the millions of Americans who does not qualify for a premium tax credit if you have, or plan to purchase health insurance through the Marketplace? Are you a sole proprietor, or otherwise a small business owner looking for health care insurance for you, your family, and employees?
Have you reached the Age of 26, and no longer covered under a parent’s plan? Have you explored your options?
HEALTH SAVER PLUS III is a viable and proven alternative to purchasing health care coverage through the Marketplace, if you know you are not qualified for a subsidy, you are presently uninsured, or you are contemplating taking the risk of not being covered at all. Please browse our website, and submit a Preliminary Quote. You, your spouse, children, and employees may qualify for 30% – 60% savings on premiums, deductibles, and other out-of-pocket expenses.
Why Wouldn’t I Just Pay The Penalty?
While it’s certainly possible that the cost of insurance might be higher than you will have to pay in terms of penalties, realize that in doing so you would also be forgoing health insurance coverage that does provide financial benefits. With caps on the number of penalties equaling the average cost of a bronze plan, the penalties are designed such that you can either pay them to receive no coverage or simply pay for coverage at a similar rate. As the penalties rise in 2015 and 2016, the economics between getting a plan and paying the penalties will shift.
The Individual Mandate Penalty estimates your penalty for going uninsured vs. how much you would pay for health insurance coverage on the Marketplace. With this calculator, you can enter your income, age, and family size to estimate your household’s individual mandate penalty, any financial assistance you may qualify for including Medicaid and premium subsidies, and how much you would pay for the lowest-cost Marketplace plan in your area. This calculator also estimates whether you qualify for any of the following three exemptions from the individual mandate penalty: your income is below the income tax filing threshold, Marketplace coverage for your household is unaffordable. or you are determined ineligible for Medicaid solely because the state in which you live did not expand Medicaid. Please note that this calculator does not test for all exemptions from the individual mandate penalty – see the FAQ’s to learn about other exemptions for which you may qualify. As Medicaid eligibility requirements may vary by state, please contact your state’s Medicaid office or Marketplace with enrollment questions.
Partisan politics aside, the Individual Mandate Penalty “taxes” millions of Americans who:
Lacking tax-free employer-paid benefits have no choice but to pay for their healthcare insurance coverage with after-tax-dollars.
The self-employed, and those working for employers who aren’t mandated by Obamacare (50 employees or more) to provide healthcare insurance who through the Marketplace don’t have the right to a government subsidy.
Millennials over the Age of 25, who are no longer eligible to be claimed as a dependent under their parent(s) policy.